
Our intervention at Fedefarma, a grade of B

It is always a pleasure to welcome a new client, even more if we are talking about a firm like Fedefarma, a reference cooperative in the health and pharmaceutical sector.

These days we have been working in their facilities in night-time hours. One of our technicians was responsible for personally supervising the workmanship and the refinement of the facilities. The result has been rated by the client itself with a B, what fills us with satisfaction and encourages us to keep working to be better every day.

Comprehensive refurbishment of Laboratoris Ferrer offices

It is a pleasure to announce that Soleme has been the company chosen to lead in the role of Construction Manager the project of the comprehensive refurbishment of Laboratoris Ferrer offices from L’Illa Diagonal, Barcelona. A whole year of continuous, organized and planned work that will be made by the team headed by Javier Linacero, Soleme’s Production Manager, and formed by Aitor Cruz and Josep Maria Dalmau, as construction technicians and managers, besides Gaspar Basart, PRL consultant. The project has been studied by Ovicuo Design and contemplates the complete regeneration of the laboratories’ corporate headquarters.

We assume this challenge with enthusiasm and responsibility.

Soleme-Reforma-Laboratoris-Ferrer Soleme-Reforma-Laboratoris-Ferrer Soleme-Reforma-Laboratoris-Ferrer Soleme-Reforma-Laboratoris-Ferrer

The recognition of our clients

At the end of the day, the best reward to the work carried out is the gratitude and the recognition of our clients, when they let us know they are satisfied because we have not only met the expectations but also surpassed them.

This carpet was placed provisionally but the client liked it enough to maintain it permanently. The durability of a non-prepared carpet for long uses, even though it is correctly put, is short compared to average or high-quality carpets. When it comes to set up the final carpet we will be ready to do the work well done. They will count on us.

Responsibility, serenity and confidence


Responsibility, serenity and confidence are three of the great values that define Soleme. This way, we came to an agreement with the insurer Crédito y Caución that allow us to guarantee the continuity of the company in the hypothetical case of non-payment. It consists of an advantageous contract without jeopardizing our technical and economic competitiveness that consolidates our market position.